Thursday, December 18, 2008

Need to Blog More/Merry Christmas

Alright so it has been quite a while since I have made my inane ramblings. Let me start by Saying that baby Baer is now a month old and doing extremely well at Keeping both his Mother and Father very tired. Penelope is getting very hyperactive and seems to be climbing all over the furniture at an alarming rate, making me want to put bean bag chairs all over the house so she doesn't hurt herself after throwing herself over the arm of the couch. How are people doing with there Christmas shopping? I thought I was done until my wife informed that I was not and needed to get back into the stores. Everyone please pray that Santa finds it in his/her heart to place a Blu-Ray player under my tree this year. I have discovered the joy that is online shopping, for the first time ever I ordered something and it showed up just like everyone said it would and nobody stole my Credit card number. It's amazing how these new fangled systems work. Good call on that one Ross (who is the king of online shopping incase you didn't know) Alright well even I am finding this boring and I promise it won't be so long before the next blog and it will be more entertaining, I am hoping that I will have seen some of the year end movie's by then and can put together some sort of movie of the year list, or maybe Texiera will decide where he is playing and we can talk about that. Alright enough. Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope that you and your family are safe and happy!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Baby baer

Alright not good at using this laptop yet so forgive any typo's. Baby Baer Montgomery Gray was born on 11.12.2008 at 11:32 am weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz. both mom and baby are doing great (sleeping at the moment) Pennie is still not quite sure what to make of the whole thing but I think she will get the hang of it pretty quickly. We have had a lot of Visitors and Baer seems to be handling everything in stride. hoping that this Sleeping 6 hours at night thing continues but I have a feeling it might not :) He Eats like it is going out of Style and so far is not as wide eyed and curious as Pennie was but we'll see as time goes on. Alright i am going to try and find the highlights to last nights Patriots game before the chaos of having a new baby resumes. Hope everyone is doing well and thank you all for your prayers and thoughts!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Obama's Speech Should have said

My Fellow Americans, tonight was a good night! First of all I would like to thank Oprah, Spike Lee and the rest of the Hollywood elite for financing my campaign, you will all have a position in my regime, I mean Administration. Second, Thank you to all those homeless folks who were willing to take a bowl of soup and a ride in a horseless carriage in exchange for there vote.

Just let me continue by saying that your copies of 'The Communist manifesto' are in the mail and every American will be getting a copy so you know what is Coming. I would like to remind everyone that starting tomorrow morning you can slack off at work, and stop paying bills. Big brother has your back. If you don't want to work hard and pay bills you don't have to anymore. The Chumps who are working hard will pay for you. Finally I would like to wrap this up by saying another big thank you to all the Crack addicted Welfare moms who gave sexual favors to get rides to the polling booths in order to vote for me, America will be a better place because of your Sacrifice. Thank you and I bless America. Good Night.

Alright I am done now. He is the President and even though I might not agree with him right now I am going to respect the fact that he holds the office and support him until the next election. I hope that everyone who voted for him is right and that he is brilliant and does everything he said he would. This is what is great about our country. We have a voice in who our leaders are and the people have spoken. No more politics from Jim.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Enough Already

Alright I don't know about you guys (all three that read this Blog) But I am sooooo sick and tired of all this election shit. Enough is Enough. They have said the exact same stuff for the last 6 months. Nothing new. McCain says Something. Obama Calls him a liar. Obama Says Something McCain calls him a Liar and it just keeps going and going. Why can't there be a 6 month limit on campaigning? It seems like this has been going on since Bush was inagurated for his second term. When I am president/Dictator all of this will stop. Vice president Sillsby will take control of the Senate and house and make it law, then disband them both so nobody can change it. I think that will work. BUT in case that doesn't happen (there is that possibilty) I think there should be some sort of Limit. It's just fricken nuts. I almost wish we didn't have just one candidate for each party because then we could have at least more then one argument going on, Barack would still be fighting with all the Democrats, McCain would still be fighting Romney and Huckabee, Hilary would still be slowly going insane in the public eye as she realizes more everyday that she is not going to win. THAT would be fun. Not what is going on now, it's boring and old and I am just tired of it. Anyone agree with me? Disagree? i'm so bored right now I'll argue with anything so feel free to leave comments.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This whole thing is BS

Now I don't usually rant to hardcore about anything to serious, usually it's silly non-sensical stuff that has no bearing on anything what so ever. Today I am going to change that. Today I am going to rant about this so called bail out, rescue or what ever they are calling it today. I understand that people need this to go through so no one loses there 401k or retirement. it's past the point of no return right now. BUT..... I was reading the news earlier and I saw this Article:

Congress wants to crack down on CEO mega-salaries for banks participating in the bailout. And while the politicians argue how best to do that, Alan Fishman of Washington Mutual is headed for the doors with $19 million in his pocket.
If that wasn't outrageous enough, consider this: Fishman started the job three weeks ago. I never saw the employment ad Fishman answered, but it must have read something like this:
WANTED: Top executive for train-wreck bank about to be seized by federal regulators. Must be able to look busy while FDIC sells business from under you. Previous experience with angry shareholders sitting on worthless stock a plus. Perks: $7.5 million hiring bonus and $11.6 million cash severance.

This is absolutely riduclous. How can a bank that has to be bought out because they were giving loans to people who had no business buying houses reward there employees? They were bought out because they were FAILING!! now they can go and pay this guy $19 million to not work? I am tired of having to bail people out with our tax dollars because people are not responsible enough to live within there means. This bank needs to be investigated (and from what i have read it is) along with all the other banks and investment firms who made Millions upon millions of dollars doing nothing but handing out bad loans. The people who have a financial interest in these groups need to be held accountable. Whether or not they are business men, Congressmen, Senators or just dumbass loan originators, EVERYONE is accountable and they all need to be taken down. republican, democrat. All of them. This bail out-rescue is going to effect everyone. Neither Candidate is going to be able to do anything about it and at some point someone will have to pay this money. i know that this sounds heartless and mean (you guys should be used to that from me by now) but if you can't afford your house then don't fucking buy it!! I do not feel that we should have to pay for other people not being able to pay there bills! Why do people live beyond there means? I don't get it. If you know you can only afford a $250,000 house why buy a $400,000 house? I have been reading all week about how people thought they would be okay because the bank approved it. Did you not know your Budget? Do you not know how much money you make? GIVE ME A BREAK! These people deserve to be foreclosed upon. I understand that some people lost there Jobs, became Sick or other things, but if you are losing your house because you cannot afford it? Thats your own damn problem and you deserve what you get. I Don't feel that I should have to pay for you. I have to pay my own bills. I understand that this has to pass, the economy will be even more in shambles if it doesn't, but someone has to hang. This is absolutely ridiculous. Sorry if you were expecting something light and fluffy reading this post, but i have had enough of this whole thing. BOTH parties need to figure it out, and make changes as to who is in charge of these committees and regulations. I'm tired of paying for idiots and dumbasses.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Aww Crap

Words cannot decsribe the feeling I had when the Ball left Jason Bay's bat last night. I thought "here we go. this is the thing that will put us in the lead and now we have the divisions because these bastards have choked." (seriuosly that all went through my head) Not 30 minutes later I was lying in bed going "Awww crap are we going to be able to catch these guys?" I know it was one game in a long season, but didn't it have the feel of something more last night? We were right on the brink and could have taken back what is rightfully ours and didn't. I still think we are going to pull off the division somehow, we play them I think 4 more times. But when Papalbon blew the save it was like a giant kick in the Crotch to all of us who stayed up for what seemed like the longest game ever for a score so low. Oh well. Just feeling Down about it today. We will be fine in the long run, but still it just kinda took the wind right out of my sail.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Unlike other people who have blogs and state that they will not post about politics (although they do and quite frequently) I am not going to post anything regarding the upcoming election on this page. Those of you who know me know who I am going to vote for and therefore I do not feel the need to post my ridiculous opinions on a open forum where I know nobody gives a shit anyway. SOOOOO in keeping in this theme for those of you out there that want nothing more then useless, mind numbing gibberish, this is the blog for you. I am going to continue with my dumb inane ramblings about nothing. Hopefully you will enjoy it, and if you don't I don't care. Stop reading it. That is enough for today. Tomorrow we will go back to discussing things like why Sun sucks and Why Dustin Pedroia Might be Supermans long lost Son. Good night and God Bless America!!! (haha had to do it couldn't help myself)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fantasy Football

Oh let me tell you of the new found joy I have, known around the world as fantasy Football!!! I have played many online games before (being the nerd that I am) including the all consuming Fantasy baseball, which must be played 24/7 for a amazing 180 days a year. But FOOTBALL oh boy. Not only is it only 16 weeks. you really only have to check your team once a week to make sure you don't have anyone not playing!!! i don't have to worry about Pitching matchups or whether a certain batter has a low percentage against a certain pitcher. All I have to know is whether or not a person is playing. Love it.'s head to head. So this week I go against Hayley and next week I go against Tyson, Helps to build Rivalries (hopefully) so that blood will be spilled during the playoffs!!! So if any of you out there who are thinking of but have never joined a Fantasy Sports league, start with Football. Pretty Soon you will know the Diffrence between Tony Romo and David Garrard, and you will cheer and yell at your TV screen when you realize that your Quarterback only threw for 221 yards and not the 225 you needed for that extra point. No longer will a football game be a excuse to doze off on the couch!!! Fall now has another purpose, other then ordering oil for winter and picking apples!!! Computerized on field battle!!!!! Bring it on bitches!! it's going to be fun!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Me Likey Food

For those of you who know me, you know I love to cook. Take a good look at me and you know I love to eat as well. When I get the cooking mood it lasts for usually a week or two. I make everything. Tonight I am thinking of making Bread and possibly trying a recipe for Sticky buns. Now the problem is that I am on a diet. I have lost 20 pounds so far and can't really enjoy the food that I am making. Pregnant wife enjoys food but can't eat all of it. SOOOO, if there is anyone out there who would like some baked goods (pam this might be directed at you :) but only because you are also pregnant.) Let me know and I will Bring some food in for delivery.

Does anyone else out there like to bake? or Cook? Doesn't have to be baking. There are times when I really think I could be a very good Culinary Student, but then Hayley reminds me of how hard it is to work in restaurant and how you would have to work mostly nights and I think that it might just lose the appeal. I cook to relax, not get worked up. I guess there is a Culinary School in Hampton that does classes on the weekend. might give it a try. Let me know if anyone wants anything and also if you have some good recipes that might not wreck the Diet.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ode to my Wife on her Birthday

The amazing Hayley turns 26 today. I just want to say Happy Birthday my beautful girl. This is the 7th Birthday that I have had the privelage of being by your side and I look forward to 100 more. So much has changed in the past 7 years with lots of laughter and thankfully less tears. You're an amazing mother and my wonderful wife and I want to thank you for letting me be part of your life. Enjoy this day and all that you get, Please don't worry you'll get your chair so stop giving me shit :) (didn't think it was going to be all sappy did you?) Happy birthday Hazzy I love you very much!!! XOXOXXOXOXO

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Gym

Good Morning Dear Readers. Another Day of Doing nothing productive has brought yet another rant from my mind to your eyes. Today's topic: The Gym.

Why do you never see anyone Fatter then you at the gym? Every time I go, there are all these Skinny, annoyingly healthy people and then me. I walk into the place and I can feel the Eventual heart attack starting. These people look like they all jumped out of the fricken abercrombie and finch catalog and I look like I was the stunt Double for Jaba The Hut. Why are there no other fat people at the gym? I would go alot more if I thought that I could look at someone and Go "you know what, I'm fat but that guy is super fat" I know that's awful but I would feel so much better. I'm tempted to hire a guy fatter then me to stand next to me at all times so that I can be skinny by comparison. I'm going to continue to go with the hopes that one day some other fat guy will walk into the gym look at me and say "if that guy hasn't died yet then anyone can do it" Maybe I can be someone Else's motivation. if anyone out there is over weight and in need of someone to make themselves feel better. Come to my gym, look at me, and you will realize that you aren't so bad. you could be that guy sweating his ass off on the stationary bike.

Thus endith the rant. Sorry for the stroll down self pity lane. Sometimes you just can't help it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The tale of the Dishes

Oh my Friends Let me tell you a story. A story so sad and heartbreaking that your stomach will wretch and your eyes will explode with tears. (no seriously explode) This is the tale of the Wedding China. Oh we had such beautiful Wedding China. I had no role in that because, well there plates and all I do is eat off them, but anyways they were beautiful. Until they exploded in such a glorious manner that FEMA responded. Here is a timeline: Yesterday at 9am Mom Gray(the babysitter of Penelope) calls frantically saying major accident in house, many dishes dead, still searching for survivors. 902am Hayley Tells Jim to get ass in car we have to go home now. 904am Get in car and drive home. 917am Reach Crime Scene. Devastation total. looks like tiny tornado ripped through Gray household. Many Dishes Destroyed But Family and Pets are Okay. Mom and baby Shaken but consolable. 922am Begin Clean up and Search continues for survivors. 6 Dishes Survived. 78 Killed. 7 missing, Presumed Dead. Hayley Sad but now gets to buy more dishes. 1113am Head back to work after burying unfortuante dishes with proper burial in dumpster, moment of Silence then head back to work. What a morning.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Biker Bob

Alright, so last night I driving home with the mrs. and what should I see? A fricken retarted guy on a bike practically in the middle of the fricken road. Now I am not opposed to biking in general, but I feel that you need to have a certain amount of intelligence in order to operate such a heavy piece of machinary. THERE IS A BIKE LANE FOR A REASON MORONS!! Not only did he ride down the middle of the road but he crossed 4 lanes of traffic trying to beat the lights. next time I see him i am going to have to bump his back tire. not run him over...just you know..tap it...see what happens. I am now completely and utterly angry with people who ride bikes. They must be destroyed.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Why the Sun Sucks

Alright other then the fact that we need it to live, I really don't like the fricken sun.

Here's Why: 1) It's hot
2) I't s fricken bright
3) Gives Everyone Cancer
4) Makes people go outside (which it turn makes them do stupid things like bug me)
5) I want it to go away

I know #5 is not a reason to hate the sun, but who ever heard of just a top 4?

Any one Disagree? I think we would be perfectly fine if the sun was behind clouds all the time. Not as many people would be outside and I would be happier because I could open my eyes all the way and not have to use that stupid sun tan junk. Let's here back on why we need the Sun. Prove me wrong people.
Alright as this is my first official blog I am not going to go into any insane rants as of yet, just be prepared. Please don't take anything on this to seriously(the 2-3 people who are bored enough to be reading some random dude who you have never met blogs) as I like to hear myself talk (or type) and only mean 83.6% of what I say. So stay tuned if you feel like it and I can guarantee that I will say something completely stupid at some point in the next couple of days!!